8 Signs of, Causes & Ways to Boost Your Low Dopamine
Do you easily get worked up by things that don't usually annoy you? Have you been feeling downcast and exhausted lately without knowing exactly why? Then you may have low dopamine levels in your system. Read on to find out what dopamine deficiency is about, what low dopamine symptoms to watch out for, and what you can do about it.
These aptly called molecules (dope…dopamine, if you get our drift) are neurotransmitters or chemical substances that send signals from one nerve to another. The messages from these chemicals tell the target cells how to respond or behave. Dopamine helps regulate our blood vessels and kidney functions, process pain, control our movements, and manage sleep, mood, and attention. It is critical in our ability to think, feel, and experience pleasure—in short, everything that affects the overall quality of our lives.
These aptly called molecules (dope…dopamine, if you get our drift) are neurotransmitters or chemical substances that send signals from one nerve to another. The messages from these chemicals tell the target cells how to respond or behave. Dopamine helps regulate our blood vessels and kidney functions, process pain, control our movements, and manage sleep, mood, and attention. It is critical in our ability to think, feel, and experience pleasure—in short, everything that affects the overall quality of our lives.
If dopamine were to be personified, it would be that motivational speaker that encourages and motivates you to achieve your goals. It helps you want to learn things, be focused, and stay inspired and on track. This means that too little dopamine can dampen your zest for life and trigger depression. Dopamine deficiency is also associated with (ADHD), restless leg syndrome, schizophrenia, and Parkinson's disease.
8 Signs of Low Dopamine
You lack motivation, “the drive.”
You're tired.
You can't concentrate.
You're moody or anxious.
You don't feel pleasure from previously enjoyable experiences.
You're depressed; you feel hopeless.
You have a low sex drive.
You have trouble sleeping or have disturbed sleep.
8 Causes of Low Dopamine
Sleep deprivation
Poor diet
Excessive screen time
Constant scrolling e.g. TikTok, IG, YouTube
Drug abuse
Excessive porn use
8 Ways to Boost Dopamine
Regular exercise
Healthy diet of whole foods, especially appropriate amounts of protein, probiotic foods
Proper sleep hygiene
Listening to music
Reducing screen time, scrolling & blue light
Practice meditation
Get out in nature
Regular visits to your acupuncturist to help balance your nervous system