How to Eat for the Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle is filled with biochemical fluctuations that manifest in different ways, physically and mental- emotionally - some not so enjoyable! Luckily there are a number of ways to manage these fluctuations through diet, to assist in minimizing the more unpleasant aspects of the menstrual cycle.
There are four phases of the menstrual cycle according to TCM:
1st Phase: Menstrual phase
2nd Phase: Post-menstrual phase, follicular phase, pre-ovulation phase
3rd Phase: Mid-cycle phase, ovulation
4th Phase: Pre-menstrual phase, post-ovulation phase, luteal phase
If you aren’t already doing so, tracking the phases of your cycle will allow you to appropriately time your dietary and lifestyle adjustments. In general, here are ways to support menstrual health during the entire cycle.
Eat warm, cooked foods to support the Spleen - hot soups and drinks are ideal
Eat a lot of Blood nourishing foods, such as dark leafy greens – spinach, kale, red meat, liver, poultry, sweet rice, fish, eggs, raisins.
Avoid excess dairy products and salt (weaken SP & KD respectively).
Avoid alcohol, tobacco, coffee, cold temperature foods, refined sugar, refined fats, and overconsumption of fruit or raw foods.
Avoid overconsumption of spicy foods, fatty foods and red meats.
Avoid toxins that disrupt hormone production and regulation, such as water with fluoride and chlorine, commercial meats.
If you want to get more phase-specific with your diet and lifestyle, follow the guide below.